Acid Attacks (One form of violence against women and children)-->
Acid violence is the deliberate use of acid to attack another human being. The victims of acid violence are overwhelmingly women and children, and attackers often target the head and face in order to maim, disfigure and blind. Acid has a devastating effect on the human body, often permanently blinding the victim and denying them the use of their hands. As a consequence, many everyday tasks such as working and even mothering are rendered extremely difficult if not impossible.Acid attacks rarely kill but cause severe physical, psychological and social scarring, and victims are often left with no legal recourse, limited access to medical or psychological assistance, and without the means to support themselves. It is not possible to provide the support that survivors require through a single intervention like a cleft palate surgery or the construction of a water-well. In order to rebuild their lives, acid survivors need long-term access to a holistic programme of medical support, rehabilitation, and advocacy that can only be provided by a local organisation.
Acid attacks are a worldwide phenomenon that are not restricted to a particular race, religion or geographical location. They occur in many countries in South-East Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa, the West Indies and the Middle East, and there is anecdotal evidence of attacks in other regions. In many countries acid attacks constitute a hidden form of violence against women and children that often goes unreported.
Indian Scenario:
Stories of women suffering from acid burns abound and span diverse backgrounds; Hindu, Muslim and Christian, some poor, some affluent. Reasons of acid attacks are also different like - as part of sexual violence, as part of punishment and in some cases when women refuses to marriage or opposes the sexual advances by men.
Victims has to face many problems like social bio-cots, not enough employment opportunity, to avoid pubic hatred they have to cover their faces all the time, financial problems to cure the acid burn because curing is a long term process. In summary, they become completely dependent on family.
Despite Supreme Court ruling, response of govt is not very effective. Their attitude of "just pass the buck" has compounded the misery of the victims. It certainly lacks the strong political will and decisive action by government.